
How To Fix Frequent Tiredness At 74

Extreme Fatigue in the Elderly

Feelings of exhaustion can seem to be a regular occurrence for many of us. The alarm goes off also early on, the demands of daily life are draining, and past the determination of the day, when we tin finally sink into bed, it can be hard to cease our thoughts and become a restful night's slumber. All the same, after we do obtain a proficient nighttime's sleep, we wake upwardly feeling invigorated and able to accept on the world.

For the elderly, nonetheless, there are diverse factors that could lead to chronic fatigue – a condition that is not as hands remedied. As March is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month, the professionals at Empathetic Nursing Services have the facts yous must know to empathize chronic fatigue in older adults, and to help manage it.

Contact us online or call us at 314-432-4312 to learn more virtually how we can help improve quality of life for senior loved ones.

Causes of Extreme Fatigue in the Elderly

  • A diversity of medical ailments, such as cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, COPD, kidney and liver affliction
  • Prescription drug side effects, such as from antihistamines, antidepressants, and pain or nausea medications
  • Medical treatments, such as surgery and recovery, chemotherapy, and radiation
  • Sleep apnea or other slumber difficulties
  • Anemia
  • Infections
  • Emotional challenges, like those experienced in depression and anxiety
  • Grief
  • Feelings of despondency or loss of control in life
  • Financial or personal stress
  • Unhealthy eating and practice habits
  • And others

Quite often, the doctor tin can address the underlying factors that cause farthermost fatigue in the elderly; therefore, it'south best to schedule a checkup and consultation if an older developed you love is trying to cope with any of the issues higher up.

Simple Tips to Help

Additionally, the post-obit tips can assistance with overcoming fatigue:

  • Maintain a diary that documents when the older developed feels near energized, and nearly tired.
  • Provide more than physical action in the senior'south daily routine. (Exist sure to get authorisation from her or his medico before beginning or changing any exercise programs.)
  • Modify sleeping habits to eliminate naps longer than 30 minutes, and especially napping during the late afternoon/early evening, to allow for improved sleep at night.
  • Quit – or never start – smoking, which is known to consequence in a wide diversity of health problems that tin drain energy.
  • Encourage your older family member to consult with an experienced counselor, to address and sort out stress, anxiety, depression, or other emotional difficulties.
  • Allow plenty of time for fun! Laughter is a fantastic, natural, energy and mood booster.
  • Schedule set times every day for relaxation – listening to soft music, reading, meditation or prayer, or enjoying a favorite soothing hobby, such every bit knitting or working on puzzles.

Compassionate Nursing Services is always bachelor to offer boosted strategies to conquer fatigue and to brand life more enjoyable for older adults. Reach out to us at 314-432-4312 to ask nigh a no cost in-home consultation and for boosted data about our empathetic care team and industry leading home intendance in Clayton and the surrounding cities.

How To Fix Frequent Tiredness At 74,


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