
1 Gallon Paint Can Weight

The pigment ingredients make it heavier or lighter. The average gallon of paint weighs between 6-12 pounds.

Man in khaki pants, tennis shoes and white shirt wearing work gloves pouring can of white paint into paint tray

When you head to the dwelling house improvement store to pick up a gallon of paint, have you ever wondered merely how much that gallon weighs?

In that location are many different types of paint with varying densities. The density of the paint will make up one's mind its weight. Near common types of paint will counterbalance betwixt 6-12 pounds a gallon.

Figuring out the weight of a gallon of paint requires a little math, simply don't worry, considering nosotros have got you covered. Read on to observe the weight of a gallon of pigment and an piece of cake way to do the calculations yourself.

How to Determine the Weight of a Gallon of Paint

Woman in olive green shirt holding a gallon of paint and a paint brush in a store in the paint aisle

If you lot need to figure out the weight of a gallon of paint, you accept a couple of options. The easiest way to notice the weight is to contact the manufacturer or the paint seller. This information is readily available to both the retailer and the consumer.

All paint manufacturers have an MSDS, Manufacturer Safety Information Canvass, or a PDS, a Product Data Sheet, which usually volition include the weight of the paint per gallon. These information sheets are easily accessible through paint retailers or the manufacturer's production website.

You can also bank check websites where pigment is sold and often find the pounds per gallon in the product information department. For example, this befouled paint by Majic is 8.34 pounds per gallon, and the information is easy to observe in the detailed product description.

If you don't accept easy access to the weight data of the paint, you can determine the poundage the old fashion way. Yous will just need to practise a unproblematic math formula to become the answer.

To find the pounds per gallon, yous need to know the density of the paint. In this case, we are interested in the relative density or specific gravity number.

Paint is made up of both liquids and solids, and each gallon of paint has a specific gravity number. This number is the ratio between the solids and water in that paint.

Relative density chart

The specific gravity number can be constitute either on the pigment label or on the MSDS, Material Safety Information Canvass, or the PDS, the Product Data Canvas, provided by the manufacturer. Look for the specific gravity or relative density number, which will be listed nether the Chemic and Physical Properties section of the Information Canvas.

To determine the pounds per gallon, just multiply the number of specific gravity by 8.35, which is the number of pounds water weighs per gallon. The answer volition be how many pounds the gallon of paint weighs.

What Determines How Much Pigment Weighs?

Crushed eyeshadows in small clear containers in a variety of different colors

At that place is no standard weight for a gallon of pigment because the weight depends on what materials and ingredients are in the paint.

Paint is fabricated upwards of 4 master ingredients.

  1. Pigment
  2. Resin
  3. Solids
  4. Solvents

The dissimilar combinations of these four materials volition determine how much a gallon of paint weighs.


The pigment is the material that really provides color to paint. Pigments tin can be organic or artificially made. They will vary in weight by what they are made of. Some are fluffy and lightweight, while others are dumbo and heavy.

The color of a gallon of pigment is partially dependent on the corporeality and types of pigments used. In theory, a darker or brighter color of paint, which uses more pigments, should weigh more than calorie-free-colored pigment.


Resin can exist considered the base of operations of the paint and what gives the paint its name. For example, Acrylic Latex or polyurethane are named for their resins. Resins bind the pigment and permit the paint to adhere to a surface.

The corporeality and types of resin used in a gallon of pigment will affect the total weight of the gallon of paint.


Solvents help bind the pigments and resins together. Two main types of pigment are h2o-based and solvent-based.

Manufacturers can use water as the solvent, like water-based latex paint. H2o-based solvents volition dry faster and are healthier for the environment. They usually weigh less than solvent-based paints because they do not take as many ingredients weighing them down.

Solvent-based paints are thicker and take longer to dry out. Ane of the positives to using color with a solvent is that it is thicker and can hide imperfections on the wall. Solvents usually weigh more than water; depending on the other materials used in the paint, a gallon of solvent-based paint has the potential to counterbalance more than water-based.


Additives are used to enhance the paint and modify its characteristics. Some additives make the paint glide more hands. Other additives brand the paint more durable and resist scuffing. Additives can also speed upwardly the drying fourth dimension. Additives can touch the overall weight of the paint depending on the amount and type the manufacturer uses.

What are the Unlike Types of Paint and Their Weight?

Man wearing a blue shirt, in a paint store looking at the back of a paint can

There are many types of paints used for dissimilar applications. The almost used paints in the dwelling comeback sector are latex or oil-based paints. These are unremarkably sold in gallon or 5-gallon sizes, but sure paints and brands tin be purchased in smaller quantities like quarts.

Paints tin can too exist purchased for specific applications and locations. Interior paints are the best choice for walls inside the dwelling house. Exterior paints include ingredients that make them more weather resistant and are used for outside jobs like houses and fences. The ingredients used in each type of pigment will influence its weight.

Most gallons of paint used for habitation improvement volition have very similar weights. Permit's take a await at the most common paints used for home improvement and how much a gallon of each weighs.

Latex Paint

Latex Paint is likewise referred to as water-based paint. It is the perfect choice for larger areas because it has a medium dry time and is toll-effective.

Latex paint is the standard pigment type for interior walls. It is lighter and thinner than some of the other interior paints because it uses water as its base. The average gallon of Latex paint weighs approximately 10.5-12 pounds. Premium Latex paint has more solvents and solids to make amend adherence and crave fewer coats. It will weigh more than a thinner latex paint that is not designed to cover or adhere every bit well.

Acrylic Pigment

Acrylic Paint is now available in both a water-based and solvent-based formula. A 100% acrylic paint tin can be used both on interiors and exteriors. It is often used on window trim and shutters because of its hard finish scrubbed clean.

This thick paint has more acrylic solids than latex pigment, covering stains and imperfections. A gallon of Acrylic pigment comes in somewhere around 11 pounds per gallon.

Oil Based Pigment

Oil Based Pigment is ofttimes used on moldings and cabinets. It has a much longer dry time than latex merely gives better protection and a smoother coating. Enamel paints are a mutual type of oil-based pigment. They are the lightest of paints, with some specialty paints weighing as piddling equally 6 pounds per gallon, with the boilerplate gallon at ten pounds.

In Determination

1 gallon of paint may non seem to weigh likewise much, merely when yous need several gallons of pigment for a project, the weight can add up! Premium paints or paints with more solid ingredients and additives volition weigh more than a thin and basic paint, like an inexpensive Latex. The most common paints used in home comeback projects weigh between 10-12 pounds. The boilerplate weight of a gallon of about paints, including specialty paints is between 6-12 pounds.

1 Gallon Paint Can Weight,


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