
How To Grow Monstera Albo From Node

Propagating Monstera Albo is slightly challenging because information technology is slow to grow and more often than not fails to achieve signature variegation.

However, it is non an impossible plant to reproduce.

Propagate Monstera Albo by cutting a healthy stem with at to the lowest degree 1 node in a potting medium (water or soil), placed in indirect sunlight for two-3 weeks.

Healthy looking Monstera Albo
Healthy looking Monstera Albo (Source: Unsplash)

Voila! Within a few weeks, your plant is set to grow out large, cheese-like leaves. Still, exist mindful that not every propagated constitute produces rich variegations.

Read more to notice out how to best propagate Monstera Albo to become signature-looking leaves.

Table of Contents
  1. Can You Propagate Monstera Albo Without Node?
    1. What is a Node?
  2. How to Propagate Monstera Albo With a Node?
    1. Materials Required for Propagation
    2. Choosing a Stem Cut
    3. Rooting the Cutting
    4. Transplanting the Rooted Cutting
  3. Tips to Care for Propagated Monstera Albo
  4. Determination

Tin You Propagate Monstera Albo Without Node?

Growing Monstera Albo is different other houseplants because it is slow to grow and requires a lot of upkeep.

Moreover, yous cannot propagate the plant from seeds, leaf cuttings, or NODULE LESS stems.

You heard information technology right! A Node-less stalk will fail to propagate considering it is unlikely to produce the roots required for vertical growth.

Although the stem and leaves will await green for a while, they will fail to get a complete plant. Therefore, a clone of the female parent plant is not achievable.

What is a Node?

Node or nodes are visible pointy parts on the plant stalk from which new branches or leaves originate.

Also known as buds, the stem node is a site of cellular activity that exhibits new growth.

When pruning a plant, be wary about cutting the stem simply beneath the node, merely not also shut, to forbid damaging it.

However, a mature Albo volition very well hold the variegation, making information technology like shooting fish in a barrel to propagate multiple plants with like variegation.

Stem node diagram
Stalk node diagram (Source:

How to Propagate Monstera Albo With a Node?

Wait until your plant is mature plenty to grow multiple nodes on stems so that you lot can cut a few samples. Some other way to know when to take the cutting is to wait until the next repotting or early spring season.

Once it is the right time, go your tools and potting materials ready to start with the process.

Materials Required for Propagation

Here is the listing of tools and materials required for propagating Monstera Albo.

Particular Purpose
Pruning shear/ Propagation knife To cut through stems, leaves, and roots
Ethanol or 98% Alcohol To sterilize the equipment before and later use
Clean, room temperature h2o For water propagation
300-500 ml transparent glass vase For h2o propagation
Aroid Potting Mix A homemade or packaged potting mix appropriate for aroid plants.
Rooting hormone (optional) To boost the rooting process when potted in a mix

Choosing a Stem Cut

Taking a proper cutting from Monstera Albo is crucial because you need to ensure the cutting has a nodule. Therefore, ensure the stem is salubrious-looking with at least one node nowadays earlier you start.

ane. Locate the Node

This should be piece of cake. Locate a section at the stem where the petiole connects with the branch.

A petiole would usually produce leaves, so they are easy to identify. You need to cut just beneath the petiole to get a healthy stem cutting.

If the stalk has aerial roots, vines like anchors, then propagation of the found significantly increases. Avert whatsoever discolored leaves that expect unhealthy.

A Monstera node's node commonly has a brown, dry-looking ring around information technology. This section of the stalk may be thicker or have knobby growth than the internodes.

Monstera Albo Cutting
Monstera Albo Cutting (Source: Etsy)

two. Take the Cutting

Take a pruning shear or scissor and sanitize it with rubbing alcohol to kill and prevent spreading diseases.

Ensure the stalk has at least ane pair of leaves. About ¼ to ½ of an inch beneath the node is perfect for cut.

Now, make a sharp cut nigh an inch below the node, vertical or horizontal, to foreclose damaging the stalk. Roots will sprout from the bottom node and the cut terminate of the stem.

three. Fix the Cut

The stalk cut should have at least 1 leaf intact; hence, you can remove the lesser leaves if in that location are any.

Ensure that the stem cutting is iii-6 inches long and is healthy-looking.

However, do non immediately constitute it in a potting mix. Permit the stem sit for 5-x minutes until the end is dry out to touch.

Rooting the Cutting

The side by side stride is to plant the stem cutting in a potting medium to produce new roots or feeder roots for farther growth.

There are multiple ways to root a stem cutting, but for Monstera Albo, you should stick to two popular potting mediums.

1. Water Propagation

Propagating in water is relatively more accessible than any other method to witness quick root growth.

Also known every bit Hydroponics, this procedure involves planting the stem cut without potting mix.

Tips to Successfully Propagate Stalk Cutting in Water
  • Suit a clear jar or drinking glass. Ensure you can run across the inside.
  • Now fill the glass with clean water, probably rainwater or filtered water kept at room temperature overnight (tepid h2o).
  • Place the stem cutting with stop-cut and bottom node immersed into the water. Ensure the leaf and meridian of the stem remains outside the glass.
  • Place the glass or jar in a location with bright enough indirect sunlight.
  • Change the water every 3-5 days or outset turning murky.
  • The stem cut shall showtime producing feeder roots within 1-2 weeks.
Monstera Albo water propagation
Monstera Albo h2o propagation (Source: Unsplash)

However, ensure to let them sit a few more weeks until you become new roots that are 1-ii inches long.

2. Soil Propagation

Soil propagation is another way to become with propagating Monstera Albo. Ensure to use a potting mix intended for aroid to prevent slowed rooting procedure.

Tips to Propagate Monstera Albo in Soil
  • Although entirely optional, y'all can still utilize some rooting hormones to the stalk end to quicken the rooting process.
  • Take a tiny pot (3-v″ in diameter), make full the potting mix in half, and moisten it thoroughly with water.
  • Gently slide the stalk cutting with the end and bottom node into the potting mix.
  • Identify the pot in a slightly moist location that receives bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Alternatively, you tin can use LED grow lights to root the stem cutting indoors.
  • It may take over ii weeks to see the early sign of roots. Let it sit a few more weeks to become a healthy set up of 1-ii inches long roots.

Transplanting the Rooted Cutting

You lot tin can technically avoid transplanting recently rooted Monstera Albo if you have propagated information technology in the potting mix.

  • When moving a rooted stem cutting from h2o to potting mix, await until the roots have fully begun to abound.
  • Let the cutting sit down in water for at least 1-2 months until it produces meaning, thick, white roots.
  • Transplant the stem cut to potting mix using the aforementioned method for soil propagation.
  • Ensure to get high-quality aroid soil and a correctly sized pot to start with.
  • In one case potted, ensure to proceed them in a warm location with indirect sunlight and meaning humidity.
Monstera plant staked with small DIY plastic trellis
Recently repotted Monstera establish (Source: Pexels)

They are best transplanted in early leap when the plant grows actively. Avert transplanting them in fall or wintertime, which may invite transplant stress.

Tips to Care for Propagated Monstera Albo

A freshly potted Monstera Albo is easy to take intendance of. All it requires is a conducive tropical setting at home.

Here is a table describing the optimal intendance needed for Monstera Albo.

Factors Optimal Care
Low-cal Bright, indirect low-cal
Temperature 65-85°F (xviii-29°C)
Humidity l-65% relative humidity
Soil Peat-based, fertile soil mixed with perlite, pine bawl, or coco chips
Fertilizer half-dozen-8 weeks in the growing season.
Watering 0.viii cup (800ml) of water every nine days in the growing season
Repotting Repotting is all-time done in early jump. Use a pot 2" wider than the root system
  • Monstera Albo needs bright, indirect sunlight. Identify them in a location that receives filtered sunlight throughout the 24-hour interval.
  • A tropical species, it thrives in the warm surrounding. Anything beneath 55-degrees can push dorsum the growth.
  • Maintain a slightly high relative humidity level around the plant by regularly misting the leaves, using a room humidifier, or a humidifying tray.
  • Choose a potting mix with three part potting soil, 2 part peat/sphagnum moss, 4 role bark, and 1 office perlite.
  • Cull tedious-release liquid institute food, or Osmocote xiv-14-14 and Nutricote 13-11-11.
  • Allow the soil to slightly dry about an inch between watering or 8-10 days; withal, cut dorsum on watering in winter until the summit 2 inches dry out.
  • Repot the establish once in ii years when the growth slows down or the roots poke out of the container.
  • Clip off expressionless or discolored leaves and leggy portions to foreclose the variegation from reverting.
Monstera Albo
Monstera Albo in h2o (Source: Pexels)

Read more virtually Why your Monstera is drooping after repotting?


Propagating Monstera Albo will ensure to get you lot multiple beautiful plants that you can decorate your home with or gift your loved ones.

Ensure to become healthy stem cutting with nodes to witness a successful propagation. The more than stems y'all become, the meliorate.

Yet, exist mindful well-nigh providing excellent intendance afterward.

You would take a mature Monstera Albo with signature variegated leaves when everything goes as planned.

Related Commodity: How to Propagate Mini Monstera?


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